Corporate Governance

  • Petroleum Solutions Trading Est. works for the benefit of everyone concerned by ensuring that the enterprise adheres to accepted ethical standards and best practices as well as to formal laws
  • We are committed to good corporate governance, which promotes the long-term interests of our stakeholders, strengthens management accountability, and helps build trust in the company by our clients and suppliers, and ever-increasing our employees.
  • A culture based on a foundation of sound business ethics
  • Fulfilling the long-term strategic goal of the owners while taking into account the expectations of all the key stakeholders, and in particular, consider and care for the interests of employees, past, present, and future
  • Work to maintain excellent relations with both customers and suppliers
  • Take account of the needs of the environment and the local community
  • Maintaining proper compliance with all the applicable legal and regulatory requirements under which we are carrying out our activities.
  • Complete set of documents which include policies and procedures that are available at any time to all of our employees
  • Employee handbooks are given to each employee which details all the rules and regulations of the company
  • Effectiveness is measured by appraisals, customer surveys, employee self-appraisals
  • Proper Family succession governance and planning